Migrating away from contentful

In the wake of recent adjustments to Contentful's pricing model, many businesses might find that their websites no longer fit within the complimentary or basic pricing brackets.

The updated pricing model revolves around the number of content types you utilize on your platform. With the free plan now capped at 25 content types, there's a significant likelihood that this can impose restrictions on your site's growth.

Should your content requirements exceed the 25 content type threshold, the next step would be to opt for their Medium plan combined with a content type upgrade – an investment of $650 per month.

Here at Silicon Rhino, we understand the challenges this presents and have devised a streamlined solution to transition you from Contentful to an alternative headless CMS, such as Prismic. The best part? No need for a complete site overhaul.

How does the transition work?

Our meticulous migration process involves:

- Replicating all your custom types within the new CMS environment.

- Transferring every page and article data systematically.

- Ensuring URL consistency to prevent any SEO or indexing challenges.

- Modifying your website's codebase to source data from the new CMS.

Contact us for a quote and timeline on your Contentful migration.